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The property on Seabreeze Road was built at the start of the leaky homes era and was offered to the market without warranties. Harcourts agent Jane Hastings had pitched the property as a demolition opportunity, noting in the listing that buyers were getting a “free house” with the purchase of the land.
On March 17th, I was a guest on The Resident Builder Podcast with Peter Wolfkamp on Newstalk ZB. We covered several topics, including developer’s access to neighbouring property.
The best idea for dealing with a worrying problem can be to sleep on it. But not for too long, and certainly not for over a decade. We recently acted in a High Court appeal involving a leaky home and the exceptionally long time its owners took to act on their problem.
On 2nd October I was a guest on The Resident Builder Podcast with Peter Wolfkamp on Newstalk ZB regarding a recent leaky building decision.
On 17 July I was a guest on The Resident Builder Podcast with Peter Wolfkamp on Newstalk ZB. We touched on the plasterboard shortage and other building supply issues.
On this week's edition of The Resident Builder podcast, building disputes expert, Mike Thornton joined Peter Wolfkamp.
Homeowners with an earthquake damaged house had to pay wasted costs for two cancelled court events because their expert’s report was late: Alexander v Southern Response Earthquake Services Ltd [2020] NZHC 1660 [10 July 2020].
The High Court has held (Singh v Boutique Body Corporate Limited [2019] NZHC 1707 19/07/19) that members of a body corporate committee owe no duty to a member disgruntled at paying levies to repair weathertightness issues.
Auckland lawyer Mike Thornton, a specialist in leaky building cases, says many people in the Browns’ predicament have sued Auckland Council for issuing a Code Compliance Certificate (CCC) for a defective building.
The High Court held a dispute resolution clause in a homeowners’ contract with their builder to build their house did not prevent them cancelling the contract when the builder left site due to non-payment of invoices.